Hello webmasters of porn and welcome on our site! As you can see, we put together a pretty impressive platform with the most useful links in the adult world, well organized in categories and niches to make it easy for all the porn enthusiasts to find exactly the content they need for sessions of fun and orgasms, no matter what makes them horny, no matter if they’re into teens or MILFs, and even if they’re into guys, if they’re into trannies, hentai or if they are ladies who love watching porn when squirting alone.
And because the fans of porn are using this list as a reference point on what to consume and where to find it, you can also use it to create strategies for your adult entertainment projects. You can contact us and we’ll give you some guidelines on how the trends have changed and how they’ll look in the near future. But that’s not the main reason for which we consider this site to be just as useful for webmasters as it is for the porn audience. The main reason is all about the special lists of websites that are dedicated to webmasters. These sites are not about watching porn. They’re about monetizing the traffic that comes on a streaming site.
We have lots of experience in the affiliate porn business. We know all the programs that pay well, the platforms that are functional and the content for which they need promoting. After putting in balance all the aspects that matter when it comes to choosing and affiliate program for your sex tube, hentai porn site or even sex gaming platform, you need to take into consideration all these features. Because it’s no use to join an affiliate program that claims it pays a lot of revenue share, but which comes with content that’s impossible to market to your audience or won’t let you use more than 2 minutes of their videos. We also made sure that the programs we recommend are not coming with a bad rep. Some of them have faulty systems to monitor your conversion, some others come with payment periods taking too long and there are some with no viable payment methods. You need something that’s up to date with all these important details, so don’t just throw yourself in the promises of great earnings.
And besides these recommendations we have more tips and tricks for the new and experienced webmasters who want to optimize both their traffic and their monetization. Don’t forget to bookmark our site because we come with updates to everything we feature in these lists.